Christian Service Commission

The Christian Service Commission exists as a model and resource of Catholic social teaching to enable the entire parish community to put the social teaching of the Church into action. The Commission empowers the members of St. Regis parish to fulfill the Church’s mission of love, justice, freedom and peace under the mantle of evangelization by communally responding, in an organized way, to societal and individual needs. The commission creates and/or promotes programs that strive to address human needs and achieve justice whether locally or in the broader communities of the vicariate, region, Archdiocese of Detroit, state, nation and world.

The Christian Service Commission actualizes the social teaching of the Church by fulfilling specific, educational and ministerial, administrative responsibilities.

The Commission’s educational responsibilities are:

  • Educate the members of the commission regarding Catholic social teaching.
  • Gather and share accurate information about human needs in the parish and total community.
  • Gather and share accurate information about service and service providers in the area.
  • Evaluate and report on Christian service in response to changing community needs.
  • Bring the parish community to an awareness of action needed to resolve human needs and achieve justice and human dignity.
  • Provide information to the parish and staff concerning opportunities that address justice and life issues.

The Commission’s ministerial responsibilities are:

  • Maintain effective communication and strong working relationships with the pastoral staff, Parish Pastoral Council commissions and the Archdiocesan Offices.
  • Continually increase the number and variety of parishioners involved directly with Christian service.
  • Work with the parish pastoral leadership in discerning how to respond to the needs of the poor and vulnerable throughout the area and, especially, within the parish boundaries.
  • Support existing social ministry programs that adequately meet the needs of the parish and community, linking with other parishes and/or community groups whenever possible.
  • Develop and implement parish social ministry programs to address needs not met by parish or community programs.
  • Develop and help implement, in concert with community service providers, necessary programs that are beyond the resources of the individual parish.
  • Provide training for volunteers in social ministry activities.
  • Develop new social ministry leadership among lay people of the parish community.

The Commission’s administrative responsibilities are:

  • Maintain a close working relationship with, and coordinate the efforts of, all parish social ministry organizations to maintain the strength of individual organizations within the effectiveness of the whole.
  • Engage Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan and other Archdiocesan charities, organizations and institutions, as well as other local community resources when appropriate and, when necessary, after consultation with the pastor/vicar.
  • Coordinate the parish response to national Catholic action for justice programs, e.g., Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Campaign for Human Development and others designated by the Archdiocesan Department of Parish Life and Services.
  • Provide within the Christian service budget a model of good stewardship and, within the social ministry goals and objectives, a functional model that takes into account parish, community and global outreach.
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