We are blessed to have many talented peoples who share their musical gifts with the parish to give glory to God. Instruments included in the ensemble are: bass guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, percussion, keyboard, piano, cello, violin, and flute.
Voices in Praise (VIP) is an exclusive group formed during the pandemic before public Mass resumed. This small, but mighty, group of singers enhances the liturgy with their stylish blending of voices.
VIP features the vocal talents Sean Pigott, Danielle Van Assche, John Michalski, and is led by Bob Amore.
The “New Spirit Singers” is a contemporary Christian music group that began when Our Lady of the Woods parish was being formed. The name was chosen by one of the original members on Pentecost back in the 1970’s. Over the years, besides singing at OLOW, the group has sung for numerous weddings and services and have performed in local theater and concerts. The core members are musicians Mike Casagrande (guitar, bass and tenor vocals); Jan Zarbaugh (guitar and alto vocals), Greg Thole (percussion), Norm Andresen (bass) and singers Lucy Navin and Diana Markin. NSS is grateful that they’ve had the opportunity to share their music with the parish for over 30 years.
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