Liturgical Ministries


Lectors study, reflect upon, and proclaim God’s Word at Sunday Masses and other liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Lectors are provided with study guides and are scheduled well in advance, usually quarterly. There is an initial training and opportunities for reflection during the year. For more information contact Jason Buckley.


If you are looking for a rewarding ministry, one that will help you have a deeper appreciation of the Mass, being a sacristan will provide you that and more. These are the individuals you see setting up the vessels, hosts and wine for Communion and who clean up after the liturgy.

If you are the sacristan for a particular Mass, you should be there one half hour before the start of Mass and it takes about 15 minutes to clean up after Mass. We will schedule you for the Mass of your choice. How often you serve will depend on which Mass you request and how many trained sacristans we already have for that Mass. For more information, contact Jason Buckley.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Ministers of the Eucharist are lay ministers who can serve in two capacities: assist in distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Eucharistic celebrations in Church, and/or take communion to the sick, elderly, and shut-ins of the community.

The nature of this ministry is rooted in the love of Christ by serving in a pastoral way to the parish community. This ministry needs 27 people to cover one weekend of Masses. Extraordinary Ministers are asked to sign up in advance which allows flexibility. There is an initial training and new ministers are encouraged to pair with an experienced minister for as long as necessary. For more information, contact Kody Klindt.

Acolytes (Alter Servers)

This ministry is open to boys and girls in the third grade and higher. Servers assist Father at Mass on weekends and holy days throughout the year. A brief training is required. Anyone interested in this ministry should contact Jeanie Morgan-Lambrix.

Funeral Sacristan

Funeral servers are adult men or women who are called to serve when there is a funeral at the parish. It is their job to set up for the funeral: placing the paschal candle in the sanctuary and setting up for Eucharist, and to assist the priest during the Mass as an altar server. The funeral server also cleans up and puts things away after the service. Training involves “shadowing” another server during a funeral.

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