Youth Faith Formation

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Pre-K to K (Ages 3 1/2 - 5)

Weekly & Monthly Catechesis

1st through 5th Grade


6th through 8th Grade

Yes, your preschool child is capable of a relationship with God! Having been made in God's image and likeness, all children are born into a relationship with God. They simply lack the language and the intellectual maturity to verbalize it.

Traditional learning environment that is available in weekly sessions with a Catechist or monthly as Family Catechesis. Sacrament preparation is also included in these programs.

Provides a safe & fun place to youth to find solid Catholic community. Answers questions about their faith and builds a foundation that will guide them as they face difficulties that will effect their middle and high school years.

Faith Formation Leadership Team

Fr. Bob Johnson, SVD
Priest in solidum
Mr. Sean Calvin
Family Director of Discipleship Formation
Mrs. Cheryl Reynolds
Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Joanne Petri
Faith Formation Administrative Assistant

Youth Faith Formation Information

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