
Catholic Women’s Ministry

Our Lady's Catholic Women (OLCW) services include, rosary prayer services, coffee and donuts, Advent Tea, May
Crowning, Applewood Nursing Home, baby showers, hospitality, retreats, social events and
other parish projects as requested. Monthly meetings from September through May last about 2

Christian Service Ministry

The ministry provides the parish with an awareness of human needs and responds to those
needs both within the parish and surrounding community. The ministry encompasses and
supports the following areas: Justice and Peace, Life Issues, Health Advocacy, Legislative, and
Disability Issues in support of the church and its other ministries.
Coffee and Donuts Ministry

Set up and serve donuts and coffee after Mass on Sunday. Order and pick up donuts and bagels
from Dunkin’ Donuts. Pick up a check to purchase these items on Sunday morning. Help to set
up and clean the social hall. The time commitment is about 3 hours per week on a rotating basis.

Catholic Services Appeal Ministry

OLOW CSA volunteers process donations as received and send them to the AOD on a periodic
basis from May through December. The time commitment is about 2 hours a week for 4 weeks
then every other week as needed.

Evangelization Committee Ministry

The committee works with all ministries to promote evangelization and meets twice a month
from September through June. Completion of all three segments of the ChristLife Course (or
equivalent training) is required. The time commitment is about 2 hours per month.

Knights of Columbus Ministry

K of C is a fraternal, family service organization for practicing Catholic men 18 years of age or
older. The purpose is to defend, protect, and support the Catholic Church and its teachings,
priests, religious, widowed, orphaned, mentally or physically impaired, the unborn, and
America. “Service to All” is our motto. Our principles are Charity, Fraternity, Unity, and
Patriotism with the Blessed Mother as our patron.

Media Ministry

Volunteers operate the media screens and cameras during mass. Media Ministry operators
receive personalized training Commit to 1-2 Masses per month. Time commitment is
approximately 1 1/2 hours per Mass.

Music Ministry

The music ministry consists of several groups each committed to a separate function. Adult
choir, Resurrection choir, Children’s Choir, New Spirit Singers and instrumentalists. Time
commitment is variable based on scheduled rehearsals and events.

Offertory Counters Ministry

Volunteers count all donations received by OLOW. Counters are assigned to teams. Time
commitment is about 3 hours every five weeks based on team rotation.

Rosary Makers Ministry

Volunteers make rosaries for distribution to various organizations and groups. Time
commitment is 2 hours a month.

Catechist Ministry

If you love the Lord and would like to share your faith with OLOW’s young people, volunteering
as a catechist or co-catechist is a great way to do this. OLOW is in need of volunteers to teach
grades 1-8. In order to develop a deeper understanding of our faith and properly teach it, you
may need to take a few workshops to both refresh and deepen your own understanding of our
faith. The Archdiocese requires anyone that has contact with young people to take the
workshop, “Protecting God’s Children.” If you have a passion to do something that is rewarding,
love children, and are willing to share scripture stories and the principles of our Catholic faith,
this ministry is for you.

Shawl Ministry

Volunteers make shawls for distribution to various organizations and groups. Time commitment
is 2 hours a month.

St. Vincent de Paul Ministry

Volunteers work in our food pantry and conduct interviews to provide financial help to qualified
clients. Time commitment is based on the number of volunteers available.

Ushers Ministry

OLOW ushers are responsible for various duties before, during, and after Mass, as well as other
tasks as needed by OLOW. Time commitment is based on number of volunteers available.

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